대학교 졸업증명서 University graduation certificate

Occasionally, a university graduation certificate is urgently needed for various reasons, such as finding a job or changing a job. To obtain a university graduation certificate, you must either ① visit the school in person or ② obtain it by fax or civil mail. The issuance process does not take too long and is not difficult, but I think there are some people who find this process difficult, so I will guide you through the Internet issuance process sequentially.

대학교 졸업증명서

※ In addition to the graduation certificate, you can apply for various civil complaints such as university enrollment certificate, transcript, and dropout certificate.

※ You must have an accredited certificate to be issued smoothly. 대학교 졸업증명서

Get your university graduation certificate online! 좋은뉴스

1. First, click the link below to access the ‘Minwon 24’ homepage. This is the Korean government civil petition portal site where you can apply for various civil affairs services through the Internet.

Go to Minwon 24 – http://www.minwon.go.kr

2. After accessing the ‘Minwon 24’ homepage, click ‘Civil Information’ in the upper left corner of the page and click ‘Civil complaints by field’ in the third drop-down menu. If you cannot find the exact location, please refer to the image below.

3. If you click ‘Correspondence by field’, the following page opens. Find and click on the book-shaped icon ‘Knowledge Activities’ in the civil complaint area in the middle.

4. Find and click on ‘Knowledge Activities’ and scroll down a bit. The detailed fields are listed below. Among them, find and click on the ‘University Graduation (planned) Certificate’ you want to receive today. It is located in the lower right corner.

5. Find and click ‘Certificate of University Graduation (Prospective)’ to open the following page. Click the blue ‘Apply’ icon in the middle of the page. ※ Please check the required documents and fees required to obtain the certificate.

6. If you click ‘Apply’, you can complete the application normally after the identity verification process.

That is all. Information on obtaining a university graduation certificate online, was it helpful?