보험계약자 변경 Change of policy holder

3 ways to change the policy holder and beneficiary

Policy holder beneficiary change

When signing up for insurance, the person concerned is largely divided into ① the policyholder ② the insured ③ the beneficiary. The policyholder refers to the person who signs the insurance contract with the insurance company, the insured person refers to the person who is guaranteed, and the beneficiary refers to the person who receives the insurance money. The policyholder and the beneficiary can change, but the insured cannot change through the contract.

보험계약자 변경

Insurance – Contract – Participant – Contractor – Insured – Beneficiary 보험계약자 변경
Policy holder – insured – beneficiary – meaning – meaning

If the beneficiary of insurance is not designated at the time of contract, the person receiving the insurance money will be the legal heir. If there is an heir who is a lineal descendant or a lineal ascendant of the ancestor, the spouse becomes a co-heir, and if there is no lineal descendant, the spouse becomes the sole heir.


How to change policy holder beneficiary 좋은뉴스 

① In principle, the policyholder and beneficiary must visit the insurance company together to change the policy holder and beneficiary.


② However, if it is difficult for one of the two people to visit together, it can be replaced by submitting documents. There are differences in the documents required by each insurance company, but usually a seal certificate, personal seal, identification card, and family relation certificate are required for identification. It is okay to take a photo of your ID with a camera and send it via SNS or email.


If you visit the insurance company and request to change the policy holder and beneficiary, the counselor will review the documents and confirm whether or not you agree to the change and the contents of the change once again to reconfirm the person’s intention. Even if you have submitted your documents completely, your change may be rejected if we cannot answer the call.


Insurance – Contractor – Beneficiary – Change – Document
Insurance – Contractor – Beneficiary – Change – Required – Documents

③ There is also a way to change the policy holder and beneficiary through an insurance agent. In this case, both seal certificates, seals, and copies of identification cards are required. The work of insurance planners to change policy holders and beneficiaries is at the discretion of the planner, and not all are available.


This is because in order for an insurance planner to change the policyholder and beneficiary, not only do they have to print out the necessary documents and go to the place where the policyholder is located, but they also have to return and submit the submitted documents to the insurance company.


What you need to know when changing policyholders and beneficiaries

Insurance companies’ websites and mobile apps are often only available to policyholders. This means that if the insured and the beneficiary are different from the policyholder, the homepage and mobile app cannot be used. Therefore, if you change the beneficiary, it is recommended to change the contractor as well.



What if the policyholder dies without a change of name or is unable to apply due to immigration, military service, or imprisonment? The name can be changed when the new contractor comes in person with the documents or submits a change request by mail.


■ In case of death of the contractor, application for change of name, basic certificate of the deceased contractor (recording the fact of death), certificate of family relationship of the deceased contractor, certificate of heir of the deceased contractor and personal seal (can be replaced with identification card when visiting), Confirmation of customer transaction of the contractee after the change, certificate of seal of the insured and seal stamp of the insured if the deceased contractor and the insured are different (can be replaced with an identification card when visiting)



■ Immigration (in case of residing in a foreign country) Confirmation of foreign residence, filling out the delegation confirmation box (sealed by the consulate), handwritten entry of the claimant (mandator), stamped on the mandate, bring the mandated person’s ID and attach documents to confirm the relationship


■ Military service Confirmation of military service, filling out the delegation confirmation box on the application form (sealed by the unit commander), handwritten entry of the claimant (mandator), stamped on the mandate, bringing the ID of the mandated person and attaching documents to confirm the relationship


■ Confirmation from prison incarceration office, filling out the delegation confirmation box on the application form (sealed by the head of the prison), handwritten entry of the claimant (mandator)


Insurance – Contractor – Main – Rights – Claims – Claims

The certificate of seal impression, certificate of signature, and documents confirming relationship must have a 13-digit resident registration number, and the validity period is within 3 months from the issuance date. Refunds incurred due to contract changes will be transferred to the account registered for direct debit, and if you wish to transfer to another account, you must submit a copy of your bankbook. The other account must be the contractor’s own account.


When canceling an insurance contract in insurance for another person, the insurance policy must be in possession or the consent of the other person must be obtained. However, when the policyholder wants to change the beneficiary, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the existing beneficiary.