사이버수사대 신고 방법 How to report to cyber police

Find out how to report to the Cyber Investigation Unit and phone number These days, many crimes are happening online or through mobile phones. For example, it is related to voice phishing, illegal content, and information and communication networks, and various damage cases are emerging. If you are suffering damage from these parts, you should … Read more

4대보험정보연계센터 4 insurance information linking centers

Issuance of statements from the 4 major social insurance information linkage centers The four major social insurance subscription statements (health insurance, national pension, industrial accident, employment insurance) are It can be issued free of charge at the 4 Major Social Insurance Information Centers. 4대보험정보연계센터 I would like to share the issuance and output method. 좋은뉴스  … Read more

생애주기별 건강검진 Health checkup by life cycle

There are three types of health checkups in Korea. It is divided into comprehensive checkup, employee checkup, and national checkup. Comprehensive check-up is literally a comprehensive check-up of all parts from head to toe. It is an expensive checkup that costs up to 2 million won. Employee check-up is a health check-up paid by the … Read more

장애인복지카드 Disabled Welfare Card

Disabled Welfare Card! We provide various benefits to people with disabilities. As of 2020, the number of people with disabilities registered in Korea is 2,633,026. The government provides welfare cards for people with disabilities who have physical or mental difficulties in daily life. Depending on the person’s wishes, only one type of disability welfare card … Read more