사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

Summary of business registration number search methods Hello, this is Hyukbak. Today, let’s look at how to look up business registration numbers. <Contents> 1. Search business registration number by business name (Feat. Fair Trade Commission) 사업자 등록번호 조회  2. Inquire business registration status (Hometax) When transacting through business, it may be necessary to inquire the … Read more

스케치업 무료 다운로드 sketchup free download

Hello, I’m Noble. I mainly deal with IT-related information.   The first method I will tell you is that it is not an absolute crack or an illegal path (webhard x P2Px). https://help.sketchup.com/en/downloading-older-versions 스케치업 무료 다운로드 Downloading older versions | SketchUp Help 좋은뉴스   help.sketchup.com Access the site with this link then It opens like … Read more

사회복지사 보수교육 Social worker refresher training

To become a social worker, you must receive at least 8 hours of continuing education per year. The Korean Association of Social Workers operates the Social Worker Remedial Education Center to provide online and offline remedial education every year. You can complete the online education center where you can receive social worker refresher training by … Read more

이력서 양식 resume form

Job applications and resumes differ slightly depending on where you apply, so I would like to introduce only a few, such as the most basic abbreviated resume and the standard resume recommended by the Ministry of Employment and Labor. In fact, if you search on Naver, you will find many forms, but most of them … Read more