카카오톡 고객센터 KakaoTalk Customer Center

Kakao Talk Gift Customer Center Phone Number | agent connection

카카오톡 고객센터

KakaoTalk Gift Customer Center phone number and counselor connection operating hours. I hope it will be helpful when you need to connect to a counselor, such as when an error occurs while using it as a gift or when a problem occurs.


KakaoTalk Gift Customer Center Phone Number
Kakao Talk Gift Service Customer Center is 1544-2431. It was very difficult to find this phone number and it was tightly hidden. I found it in the KakaoTalk Gift Customer Center menu.

In the case of Kakao, the phone number is very hidden, and some services do not operate a call center at all. In some cases, only chat counseling is available, but KakaoTalk Gift Gift can also be connected to a counselor. It is said that the time to connect with the counselor is from 9:00 to 19:00 on weekdays. At other times, if you leave a 1:1 inquiry email, you will receive a sequential response during business hours.

KakaoTalk gift giving customer center phone number: 1544-2431 카카오톡 고객센터
Counselor Connection Hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 19:00

In addition, live chat with a counselor is also available. Find the ‘Kakao Commerce Customer Center’ channel on KakaoTalk and chat. However, chat counseling is only available from 9:00 to 19:00 on weekdays.

Kakao Commerce Customer Center chat service hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 19:00 좋은뉴스

How to search in the KakaoTalk app


Also, know how to find it next time on the KakaoTalk app. First, select [Gift] from the three-dot ‘More’ menu in the KakaoTalk app. After that, go to the [Gift Box] menu.

At the bottom of the gift box menu, there is a [Gift Customer Center] menu. If you select this, you can also see answers to frequently asked questions, and you can view the Chat Consultation or 1:1 Inquiry menu at the bottom.

If you click the KakaoTalk Consultation menu, the Kakao Commerce Customer Center chat window opens as shown below, and you can chat or connect with a counselor. However, as mentioned above, it is only possible between the operating hours of weekdays, 9:00-19:00.